Where to Keep a Wooden Elephant Statue at Home?

Big wood elephant statue with full body ping color painted and flower design embossed painted

Decorating a home with wooden elephant statues is not just about adding a touch of elegance and charm to your space. In many cultures, especially in Asia and Africa, elephants symbolize strength, wisdom, and good fortune. Placing a wooden elephant statue in your home is believed to bring positive energy and prosperity. However, to truly harness these benefits, it’s essential to understand the best locations to position these statues. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the significance of wooden elephant statues, factors to consider when placing them, and the best locations in your home for maximizing their positive impact.

The Significance of Elephant Statues

Elephants hold a special place in many cultures and are often seen as symbols of power, loyalty, and wisdom. In Hinduism, the elephant-headed god Ganesha is worshipped as the remover of obstacles and the lord of new beginnings. In Feng Shui, elephants are considered powerful symbols of protection and good luck. Understanding the cultural and spiritual significance of elephant statues can help you appreciate their presence in your home and encourage you to place them thoughtfully.

Factors to Consider When Placing Wooden Elephant Statues

Before deciding where to place your wooden elephant statue, consider the following factors:

  • Size and Material: The size of the statue can determine its impact on a space. A larger statue might serve as a focal point, while smaller ones can complement existing decor. The wooden material adds a natural, earthy touch, making it suitable for various decor styles.

  • Symbolism and Intention: Consider what you want to achieve by placing the elephant statue. Do you seek protection, wisdom, or prosperity? Your intention can guide where to place the statue.

  • Direction and Orientation: In Feng Shui, the direction in which an elephant faces can have different implications. For example, elephants facing outward are believed to protect the home, while those facing inward are thought to attract good luck and prosperity.

Best Locations for Wooden Elephant Statues

1. Entryway

Placing a wooden elephant statue in the entryway of your home is an excellent choice for welcoming positive energy. Positioning the statue near the door can act as a guardian, protecting the household from negative energies. Ensure the elephant faces outward to ward off any negativity from entering.

2. Living Room

The living room is a space for gathering and relaxation. Placing a wooden elephant statue here can enhance the room’s harmonious energy. Consider placing the statue on a mantel, shelf, or side table, ensuring it is visible but not overwhelming the space. Elephants with trunks upraised are especially recommended for attracting good luck and positive vibes.

White wood elephant statue miniature painted on right side of elephant

3. Office or Study

A wooden elephant statue in an office or study area can inspire focus, wisdom, and intelligence. Elephants are known for their memory and intelligence, making them perfect symbols for areas where concentration and productivity are essential. Place the statue on your desk or a nearby shelf to inspire these qualities.

4. Bedroom

To foster a sense of love and protection in the bedroom, consider placing a pair of elephant statues. Elephant pairs are believed to enhance relationships and promote unity. Position them on a dresser or nightstand, ensuring they face into the room to invite harmony and peace.

5. Children’s Room

Elephants are gentle and nurturing animals, making them suitable for a child’s room. A wooden elephant statue can symbolize protection and guidance for your child. Consider placing a small statue on a bookshelf or a dedicated area in the room to serve as a comforting presence.

6. Garden or Balcony

If you have an outdoor space, such as a garden or balcony, consider placing a wooden elephant statue there. Outdoor elephant statues can enhance the natural beauty of your garden while symbolizing growth and stability. Ensure the statue is protected from the elements, as wood can weather over time.

7. Dining Room

The dining room is a space for family gatherings and nourishment. Placing a good luck wooden elephant statue here can symbolize abundance and togetherness. Consider placing the statue on a buffet or sideboard to remind family members of the strength and unity elephants represent.

8. Hallways

Hallways can be overlooked when it comes to decor, but they offer an excellent opportunity to showcase a wooden elephant statue. Position the statue at the end of a hallway to draw the eye and create a sense of movement and flow within your home.

9. Meditation or Yoga Space

For those who practice meditation or yoga, a wooden elephant statue can enhance the spiritual energy of the space. Elephants symbolize wisdom and peace, making them ideal for creating a calming and focused atmosphere. Place the statue near your meditation mat or altar to support your spiritual practice.

10. Altar or Sacred Space

If you have a dedicated altar or sacred space in your home, consider including a wooden elephant statue as part of your spiritual practice. Elephants are revered in many spiritual traditions, and their presence can enhance the sacredness of your altar. Place the statue with intention, perhaps facing other elements on your altar, to support your spiritual journey.


Incorporating a wooden elephant statue into your home decor is not only about aesthetics but also about harnessing the positive energies that these majestic creatures symbolize. Whether you seek protection, wisdom, or prosperity, placing your wooden elephant statue in the right location can amplify these intentions. Consider the size, symbolism, and orientation of your statue, and choose locations that align with your goals. By thoughtfully placing your wooden elephant statue, you can create a home environment that resonates with strength, harmony, and positive energy.